News Archive 2014

Lamma, the UK's largest farm machinery, equipment and agricultural services show will be hosted at Peterborough showground, 21 & 22 January 2015.
With over 900 exhibitors and regularly attracting over 40,000 farmers from around the country and overseas, Datatag will be exhibiting at this inaugural event for the sixth year running.
Datatag ID limited the power behind the official CESAR scheme; the essential security system for all farming and construction machinery and equipment has made advanced progress since its launch in 2007 with all major manufacturers now fitting CESAR as standard and reading as veritable who's who of suppliers.
CESAR, which is industry supported by the AEA, works by giving each piece of equipment a unique and permanent 'fingerprint', using an array of convert and overt security marking devices including tamper evident triangular registration plates, radio frequency identification (RFID) transponders, forensic liquid DNA, and microscopic Datadots®.
The 'CESAR effect' has reduced overall equipment theft in the UK by 46%, increased the rate of recovery of stolen equipment by a factor of 6, and helped reduce insurance premiums on equipment. According to police statistics CESAR registered machines are 4 times less likely to be stolen and 6 times more likely to be recovered than unregistered machines. CESAR is widely supported by government agencies, trade associations, leading insurers and the asset finance industry as it is a proven deterrent against theft and an invaluable aid in recovery.
NFU (National Farmers Union) members also benefit from CESAR with discounted prices of up to 25% and insurance premium discounts are also available from all major insurance companies including NFU mutual on items protected by CESAR including tractors, telescopic handlers and combine harvesters.
PANIU (The Plant and Agriculture intelligence unit) which was set up with insurance industry support has also issued latest reports which highlight the good work done by CESAR. JCB is a great example of what has been achieved as it shows their theft is down by 60% in the last three years thanks to this credible anti-theft system, and according to PANIU only five JCB's fitted with CESAR and thatcham three stars has been stolen in the last 18 months.
Lamma 2015 is set to kick off another exciting year for Datatag, with more overseas recognition since the expansion into Europe and new technologies also set to be established such as the new anti-fuel theft initiative, Venom.
The new anti-fuel theft initiative was launched at the Combined Industries theft solutions conference at the impressive JCB headquarters in Staffordshire on the 12th November 2014.
The annual CITS forum which was under the title, "Scams that trash your bottom line" had a great line up of key speakers including Government and police officials and industry experts Amongst the presenters was the power behind CESAR, Datatag MD Kevin Howells who gave his impressive presentation about the achievements of CESAR since the launch back in November 2007, when the first CESAR marked machine came of the JCB production line. Over 200 delegates attended the seventh inaugural CITS conference and exhibition.
Date Created: 24/11/2014

Datatag ID Limited will be exhibiting for the second time at Plantworx 2015 with the official CESAR security Scheme.
Plantworx 2015 will take place at its new home of Bruntingthorpe in Leicestershire. The inaugural show launched in 2013 at Stoneleigh Park, is supported by major trade associations. The event provides exhibits from specialist plant, tool and services to support the wider construction industry.
Plantworx is a CEA (Construction Equipment Association) event organised by the industry, for the industry. The event is the UK's only biennial construction show with a plant demonstration zone. The CEA are major supporters and promoters of the Datatag powered security system CESAR and Plantworx will again host its own security village where CESAR will be an exhibit.
CESAR has had an incredible success story since the launch in November 2007, at JCB world headquarters where the first CESAR marked machine came of the production line. Since the launch CESAR now also marks agricultural equipment and there are now over 160,000 pieces of equipment registered and protected by the security marking system.
At the annual CEA conference hosted in September this year in London, delegates saw the Metropolitan police's head of gangs and organised crime Commander Neil Basu highlight what had been achieved to combat this type of crime.
Before CESAR machinery theft was averaging £1.5m per week, with other related costs running at many millions more. With the launch of CESAR this type of crime has been reduced by 46% and increased the recovery rate of stolen machinery by a factor of 6. This has also resulted in reduced insurance premiums with leading insurance companies backing the security initiative.
After the success of the first Plantworx, which was held in May 2013 at Stoneleigh Park and saw more than 11,000 visitors to the show, Datatag MD Kevin Howells took the decision to be a part of the action again.
Kevin Howells commented "The Datatag team will continue the fight against crime and highlighting the issues faced with the ongoing problem of machinery theft.'' He went on to say "Plantworx offers visitors a chance to see what's new in construction. The target audience who visit the show is invaluable to us as it includes, plant managers, Plant and tool hire managers, construction managers, contractors, machine operators, owner operators, and other construction professionals who will all benefit from CESAR."
Date Created: 24/11/2014

The seventh CITS conference, entitled 'Scams that Trash your Bottom Line', was held last week at the impressive JCB World Headquarters in Rocester, Staffordshire. Over 200 delegates ranging from Company Secretaries, Heads of Securities, Plant Directors and Senior Contracts Managers within the construction Industry attended with a further 100 senior police officers.
With criminals employing increasing levels of technological sophistication and increasingly innovative techniques to attack companies operating in the Construction and Utilities sector, companies are finding it harder to protect themselves. As such the Combined Industries Theft Solutions Board (CITS), a group affiliated to the Home Office Plant Theft Action Group, gathered leading security experts to present the latest strategies to combat these criminals.
Amongst the key speakers was CITS board member and Datatag ID Ltd Managing Director Kevin Howells. Datatag is the power behind the official CESAR Scheme and Mr Howells presented the latest developments of the scheme and the success story behind this superb anti-theft initiative. In a remarkably short time since launched in November 2007, CESAR now protects over 160,000 machines.
The CESAR story, which ironically began at the JCB world headquarters when the first machine protected by the scheme rolled of the production line, has in November 2014 reduced machinery theft in the UK by46% and increased the rate of recovery by a factor of 6. This success has also resulted in reduced insurance premiums for protected plant and machinery.
Other speakers also commended CESAR's success including Gap Group Managing Director Iain Anderson and senior PANIU Police Officer Barry Mudie.
By developing a database of all reported stolen machinery, PANIU (the Plant and Agricultural National Intelligence Unit) has been a powerful force in the CESAR success story. Barry Mudie spoke of the success stories and detailed the latest plant machinery theft statistics, highlighting how CESAR protected machines are four times less likely to be stolen and six times more likely to be recovered than unregistered machines.
At the end of the conference CITS Chairman and Group Head of Security for Clancy Docwra Ian Elliott praised Barry's achievements and Kevin Howell's awarded Barry Mudie with the prestigious CESAR award for his outstanding contribution in the fight to combat machinery theft and thanked him for all his hard work and support of CESAR. Barry, who retires from PANIU shortly, expressed his gratitude at the award and hoped the battle would continue to be fought.
Date Created: 18/11/2014

TV personality Adam Henson an advocate for Datatag has had his New Holland, Combine Harvester CESAR marked by Datatag's police liaison and training Officer Nick Mayell.
Adam Henson, a well known celebrity face in the agricultural market has previously protected his other farming machinery with the security system. Adam chose to protect his machinery with CESAR as he recognises the benefits of the anti theft system which acts as a powerful deterrent against opportunistic and audacious thieves in both agricultural and construction industries.
CESAR, which is industry supported in agriculture by the AEA, works by giving each piece of equipment a unique and permanent 'fingerprint', using an array of convert and overt security marking devices including tamper evident triangular registration plates, radio frequency identification (RFID) transponders, forensic liquid DNA, and microscopic Datadots®
Adam Henson had this to say about CESAR '' Rural crime and machinery theft are a constant concern for the farming community and I'm delighted to hear about the impact Cesar is having to alleviate the problem. We don't hesitate to use Cesar to help protect our machines from theft and help reduce our insurance premiums.
To understand the influence the scheme has had on securing farming machinery, it is necessary to take a step back to the beginning when farming machinery had no protection. The theft of both construction and farming machinery was valued in its millions.
The growing problems of machinery theft was fortunately eventually recognised back in 2006 by the police so much so the metropolitan police made way for a new police unit to be established in 2008 PANIU (Plant and Agricultural national intelligence unit). The unit is purely dedicated to tackling the problem of agricultural and machinery theft. The unit captures powerful accurate information about reported thefts which is stored on the secure and essential PANIU database.
The PANIU unit has been embraced by the industry and the reputation of PANIU has grown and so has the theft database this has helped allow both the public and the industry have confidence in the police tackling this type of crime by engaging industry partners and enforcing crime prevention strategies like CESAR, the likes of which had never been seen before.
CESAR is the only scheme of its type in the world and is now recognised as an industry standard of best practice. With the insurance industry backing substantial discounts are offered if machinery is fitted with CESAR.
The 'CESAR effect' has reduced overall equipment theft in the UK by 46%, increased the rate of recovery of stolen equipment by a factor of 6, and helped reduce insurance premiums on equipment. According to police statistics CESAR registered machines are 4 times less likely to be stolen and 6 times more likely to be recovered than unregistered machines. CESAR is widely supported by government agencies, trade associations, leading insurers and the asset finance industry as it is a proven deterrent against theft and an invaluable aid in recovery.
Date Created: 17/11/2014
ON THE WINNING SIDE - Construction News Plant Supplement 2014

The Construction Equipment Security and Registration Scheme, better known as CESAR, has come a long way since 2007 and shows what can be achieved in the fight against organised crime.
To read the full article download the PLANT SUPPLEMENT HERE >
Date Created: 13/11/2014

Nick Johnson reports from the recent CEA Signposts Conference, which provided some interesting information on the state of the construction equipment market - past, present and future.
The publicity material for the recent Signposts Conference staged by the CEA (Construction Equipment Association) featured an old style finger sign post with its three arms labelled Past, Present and Future. The event was staged in the historic headquarters of the Institute of Civil Engineers, Great George Street in Westminster, London where there are many reminders of past UK civil engineering achievements and the personalities that made them possible...
...One area that has benefited from industry attention in recent years is plant security. The CEA conference delegates were addressed by both Commander Neil Basu of the Metropolitan Police and Datatag ID Ltd Managing Director Kevin Howells.
To read the full article CLICK HERE to download the PDF.
Date Created: 20/10/2014

Datatag ID Limited, the power behind the official CESAR scheme, will be exhibiting and sponsoring the seventh CITS event at JCB World Headquarters in Rocester, Staffordshire. The event is to take place during the morning of 12 November at the impressive JCB facilities.
The Combined Industries Theft Solutions group, (CITS) is a non-profit organisation. The Conference and exhibition is totally free to attend, and is aimed at CEO's, MD's, Directors, Owners, Presidents, VP's, Security Directors and Senior Managers within the construction industry.
With criminals employing increasing levels of technology and techniques to attack companies operating in the Construction and Utilities sector, it is getting harder to protect companies, profits and reputation. As such the CITS Board who Datatag are proud members of have gathered Industry leading experts to present the latest strategies, ideas, practises and services to combat the audacious criminals. CITS like the CESAR Scheme is affiliated to the Home office and Plant Theft Action Group.
This year's event will be broad in scope under the title ''Scams that trash your bottom line''
A range of specialist speakers will cover the gamut of crime within the industry. This includes Datatag MD Kevin Howells who will cover the developments and updates of CESAR and the impact the scheme has had on theft including the issue of Fuel theft.
There are now approximately 160,000 machines protected by CESAR, The Datatag supplied CESAR security system works by giving each piece of equipment a unique and permanent 'fingerprint' using a mix of state of the art security marking technology that includes tamper evident triangular registration plates, Radio-frequency identification (RFID) transponders, forensic liquid DNA and microscopic Datadots®. CESAR is a proven deterrent against theft and an invaluable aid in recovery. According to police statistics CESAR registered machines are 4 times less likely to be stolen and 6 times more likely to be recovered than unregistered machines.
The list of manufacturers that have adopted CESAR reads like a veritable who's who of leading suppliers.
In October 2013 a new construction and agricultural machine provenance check service, developed by Datatag and HPI, was launched (at JCB) under the CESAR brand. The new service provides 'Automotive-style checks' in conjunction with HPI, the pioneer and leader in vehicle history checks. The new CESAR branded provenance check, the first of its kind for agricultural and construction equipment, provides a new level of assurance whenever a used machine is bought or sold. The CESAR provenance check has been developed by Datatag and HPI at the behest of the insurance and asset finance industry which has enjoyed the benefits of accurate history checks for cars and vans for many years, but which had lacked a reliable provenance checking service for agricultural and construction equipment, until the launch of this new service.
This year's CITS event will also be holding an exhibition in conjunction with the conference where leading suppliers of security related products and services will be on hand to discuss latest developments.
CESAR security experts will be on hand throughout the event to discuss CESAR protection for equipment and CESAR assurance when buying or selling machinery.
Date Created: 10/10/2014

Datatag impressed Tillage Live visitors with their new bespoke and bedecked Datatag vehicle. Tillage Live, held this year at Down Ampney Airfield in Gloucestershire, is a unique national cultivation show that gives visitors the chance to see all the latest equipment at work and meet with industry experts.
Datatag ID Limited, the power behind the CESAR scheme, attended Tillage Live for the fifth year at the invitation of The Agricultural Engineers Association (AEA) industry supporters of the CESAR scheme.
CESAR works by giving each piece of equipment a unique and permanent 'fingerprint' using an array of covert and overt high technology security marking devices including tamper evident triangular registrations plates, Radio-frequency identification (RFID) transponders, forensic liquid DNA, and microscopic Datadots®.
CESAR, the most successful scheme of its type anywhere in the world, is widely regarded as having had a marked effect in reducing equipment theft in the UK since its launch in January 2007. The 'CESAR effect' has reduced overall equipment theft in the UK by 46%, increased the rate of recovery of stolen equipment by a factor of 6, and helped reduce insurance premiums on equipment. According to police statistics CESAR registered machines are 4 times less likely to be stolen and 6 times more likely to be recovered than unregistered machines. CESAR is widely supported by government agencies, trade associations, leading insurers and the asset finance industry as it is a proven deterrent against theft and an invaluable aid in recovery.
CESAR passed the 50,000 mark in March 2011 and the 100,000 mark in October 2012. The 150,000th CESAR registered machine appeared at the Hillhead exhibition in June and already cumulative regsitrations exceed 160,000.
Datatag ID Limited also have security systems for many other pieces of equipment including motor bikes, cycles, 4x4s, trailers, outboard engines, power tools, Jet Skis and equestrian tack.
The bespoke Datatag vehicles can also be seen exhibiting at the British Super Bike rounds for the remainder of this year as part of Datatags BSB sponsorship deal for the second year running.
Date Created: 11/09/2014

The 2014 NFU Mutual crime survey, published this week, shows that the national cost of rural crime totalled an estimated £44.5m in 2013, a rise of 5.2% on the previous year. The new figure reverses a fall of 19% in 2012 over 2011. The report ranked the items which were most commonly targeted by thieves. Results were totalled across the whole country to reveal the most commonly stolen items which not surprisingly included:
- Power tools/hand tools/equipment
- Quad bikes/ATVs
- Tractors/Machinery
- Vehicles (4x4s) and trailers
- Equestrian tack
According to the report thieves are most active in Eastern England with Cambridgeshire, Lincolnshire, Essex and Kent baring the highest cost of rural crime.
Datatag, the leader in security marking technology and the power behind the official equipment security scheme CESAR, working in conjunction with the NFU, can help to protect all of the above with security systems designed for each item. Datatag security systems act as a powerful deterrent against theft and give each item a unique and permanent identity, which thieves cannot remove, using an array of 'state of the art' security marking technology.
NFU members benefit from discounted prices up to you 25% on all the security systems for the items above and insurance premium discounts are available from the NFU mutual on certain items protected by CESAR including tractors, telescopic handlers and combine harvesters.
The Datatag security systems are easy to fit and registration on-line takes just a matter of minutes. With Datatag there are no annual fees or subscriptions. Items are protected for life with a single payment which brings the value of peace of mind too!
For more information go
Date Created: 02/09/2014

TOWIE (The Only Way is Essex) cast members Pascal Craymer and Chris Drake today unveiled a surprise £20,000 charity gift in the shape of a pink CESAR marked Bobcat E14 mini-excavator!
The machine is a gift from Bobcat dealer Promac Solutions of Aldermaston to Lynch Plant in aid of breast cancer care. The event took place near Brentwood during Lynch Plant's 'family fun day' held on the site on what will become their new depot, adjacent to the M25.
Datatag ID Limited also gave their support in advance of Sunday's event by kindly contributing anti-theft system CESAR to the pink machine. Vince Wise, Datatag's police liaison & training manager fitted CESAR last week in Aldermaston. CESAR which now protects over 150,000 machines nationwide is recognised as the most successful anti-theft system of its type anywhere in the world.
CESAR has proven to be a huge success protecting machinery from theft as well as being an aid in many successful recoveries of stolen plant. CESAR works by marking a machine with transponders and forensic liquid DNA. The machine is then marked with CESAR plates to warn off thieves.
The CESAR marked pink Bobcat mini-excavator was revealed by Chris Drake and Pascal Craymer from under a pink sheet sitting on a bespoke trailer complete with pink wheels. Lynch Plant, Promac Solutions and Datatag will use the machine as part of their drive to raise over £30,000 for the breast cancer care charity. The machine will eventually be auctioned off with the proceeds going to the charity.
Lynch Plant's operations Director Merrill Lynch commented after the surprise reveal, "The gift by Promac Solutions and Bobcat is extremely generous and will undoubtedly help us raise money for this worthwhile cause. We already have a pink truck and now we have a pink Bobcat mini, we would also like to thank Datatag for contributing CESAR"
Datatag MD Kevin Howells said "We're delighted that we could support such a worthy cause and that CESAR Is on such a unique machine."
Promac Solutions' Sales Director Justin Scott-Thomas handed over the keys after the TOWIE stars whipped the sheet off the Bobcat. Liam Lynch, the founder and managing Director of L Lynch Plant Hire and Haulage Ltd, joined the reality TV stars and Justin for photographs after the pink Bobcat was revealed. Pascal and Chris walked round the impressive show and posed for photographs and 'selfies' much to the delight of the visitors.
Promac Solutions is a leading supplier of construction equipment across the South of England representing leading global brands Bobcat, Doosan, Terex and Montabert.
For more information go to
Image(s) © 2014 Promac Solutions Limited. Permission for reproduction, in print or on the internet, in the context of this press release is granted.
Date Created: 02/09/2014

Machinery theft has been a problem for a number of years costing plant owners and insurers millions of pounds each year, but thanks to CESAR, a proven deterrent against theft and an invaluable aid in recovery equipment theft has fallen by 46% in the UK in the last 3 years.
Police statistics show that CESAR marked equipment is 4 times less likely to be stolen and 6 times more likely to be recovered than unregistered machines. The CESAR scheme has become the most successful scheme of its type anywhere in the world, with over 150,000 pieces of equipment now protected day in and day out.
Nick Mayell, an employee of Datatag ID, the power behind CESAR and the supplier of 'state of the art security marking technology' has helped push the scheme further with specially organised plant courses for the police. The courses help police officers recognise suspicious machinery and equip them to carry out checks on machinery. The fully EDI accredited plant courses, held at AITS in Gloucestershire, were introduced two years ago and since then attendance and demand for the two day course has shown a dramatic increase.
PC Carwyn Morris, of Surrey constabulary, demonstrated the power and effectiveness of the plant course after he put his new found skills to the test just 6 weeks after completing the course. PC Morris recovered 3 stolen machines with a value of over £130,000. The machines were successfully returned to the insurance companies, which had paid out the owners.
PC Carwyn Morris had this to say, "The Datatag plant course gave me the confidence and extra knowledge that enabled me to seize these items of plant. Without the Datatag plant course organised by Nick Mayell these items would still be missing and the insurers and owners would still be out of pocket. I recommend this course to all officers.
Nick Mayell said of the recoveries, "I'm delighted that the course encourages and equips officers to tackle machinery theft. Over 30 machines have now been recovered by officers who have attended one of our courses in the last 18 months which proves they are effective. More courses are planned in the balance of the year."
Interested parties should contact to enrol on a course.
Date Created: 14/07/2014

The 150,000th machine to be fitted with CESAR security and registration was revealed on the opening day of Hillhead 2014 on the Finning stand. The 150,000th CESAR system was fitted to a truly unique Caterpillar® machine, the modified Cat D6N 'Rover', fresh from the Coldest Journey in Antarctica. The world's greatest living explorer, Sir Ranulph Fiennes, revealed the machine with its CESAR plate in front of a large crowd gathered on the Finning stand.
The appropriately unique CESAR triangular tamper evident registration plates are marked with the distinctive alpha-numeric registration mark 150O0O (one, five, zero, o, zero, o).
Finning, the world's largest Cat heavy and general equipment dealer, adopted CESAR in March 2010. Since then over 10,000 Cat machines, both large and small, have been safeguarded with the CESAR security system supplied by Datatag ID Limited.
CESAR works by giving each piece of equipment a unique and permanent 'fingerprint' using an array of covert and overt high technology security marking devices including tamper evident triangular registrations plates, Radio-frequency identification (RFID) transponders, forensic liquid DNA, and microscopic Datadots®.
CESAR, the most successful scheme of its type anywhere in the world, is widely regarded as having had a marked effect in reducing equipment theft in the UK since its launch in January 2007. The 'CESAR effect' has reduced overall equipment theft in the UK by 46%, increased the rate of recovery of stolen equipment by a factor of 6, and helped reduce insurance premiums on equipment. According to police statistics CESAR registered machines are 4 times less likely to be stolen and 6 times more likely to be recovered than unregistered machines. CESAR is widely supported by government agencies, trade associations, leading insurers and the asset finance industry as it is a proven deterrent against theft and an invaluable aid in recovery.
Date Created: 24/06/2014

Like the Cereals exhibition, CESAR has grown substantially in the past few years. In 2008, when CESAR exhibited at Cereals for the first time, there were just 10,000 CESAR registered machines and now, 6 years on, there are over 145,000 CESAR registered machines at work on farms and in construction up and down the UK.
CESAR has had such a marked impact on equipment theft in the UK, down 46% in the past 3 years, that it is being adopted across Europe to tackle organised and opportunistic crime. A case in point is in Sweden where the Swedish equivalent of the NFU Mutual, The LRF Federation, is now supporting and promoting the scheme to equipment owners.
The Datatag supplied CESAR security system works by giving each piece of equipment a unique and permanent 'fingerprint' using a mix of state of the art security marking technology that includes tamper evident triangular registration plates, Radio-frequency identification (RFID) transponders, forensic liquid DNA and microscopic Datadots®. CESAR is a proven deterrent against theft and an invaluable aid in recovery. According to police statistics CESAR registered machines are 4 times less likely to be stolen and 6 times more likely to be recovered than unregistered machines.
The list of manufacturers that have adopted CESAR reads like a veritable who's who of leading manufacturers, including John Deere, Massey Ferguson, McCormick, JCB, Manitou, Amazone and Challenger Agri some of whom will be exhibiting at Cereals 2014.
In October 2013 a new agricultural and construction machine provenance check service, developed by Datatag and HPI, was launched (at JCB) under the CESAR brand. The new service provides 'automotive-style checks' in conjunction with HPI, the pioneer and leader in vehicle history checks. This innovative CESAR branded provenance check, the first of its kind for agricultural and construction equipment, provides a new level of assurance whenever a used machine is bought or sold. The CESAR provenance check has been developed by Datatag and HPI at the behest of the insurance and asset finance industry which has enjoyed the benefits of accurate history checks for cars and vans for many years, but which had lacked a reliable provenance checking service for agricultural and construction equipment, until the launch of this new service.
CESAR security experts will be on hand throughout Cereals to discuss CESAR protection for equipment and CESAR assurance when buying or selling equipment on stand F-618-6.
Date Created: 12/06/2014

Datatag and the official equipment security scheme CESAR were part of a select group of suppliers to join AGCO at the NEC for the 3 day 'Discover AGCO' exhibition.
Demonstrating their commitment to the farming industry, AGCO put on their biggest and best show yet at the NEC in Birmingham, UK. This major event showcased the largest display of AGCO machinery and equipment that has ever been brought together for the UK and Ireland, with a program of interesting and informative seminars, the ultimate AGCO dealership, in partnership with many complimentary suppliers, the Discover AGCO experience, and last but not least the AGCO Shop.
Datatag's crime prevention specialists were kept busy with farmers keen to know what they can do to minimise the risk of theft. AGCO, along with many other leading manufacturers, fit CESAR as standard which reduces the risk of equipment theft by a factor of 4!
CESAR has had a marked impact on equipment theft, as new statistics just released by London's Metropolitan Police unit PANIU show. Equipment theft, in the full year 2013, is down by 46% since 2010. In 2010 4,464 construction and agricultural machines were stolen in the UK, many 'stolen to order' and shipped abroad. In 2013 total thefts dropped to 2,394, a fall of 46%. Thefts year on year were reported as being 11% down, showing the strong trend.
The Met Police specialist unit PANIU (Plant and Agricultural National Intelligence Unit) say that improvements to equipment security by manufacturers and the increasing use of telematics systems have played their part in reducing crime. But the biggest contributor, not only over the past 3 years, is the CESAR scheme.
Date Created: 27/02/2014

Hanix announced on the opening day of EHS 2014 that is had adopted CESAR equipment security and registration for its mini-excavators. It's machines at EHS featured the now familiar triangular registration plate. Read More
Date Created: 14/02/2014

Hanix announced on the opening day of EHS 2014 that is had adopted CESAR equipment security and registration for its mini-excavators. It's machines at EHS featured the now familiar triangular registration plate. The second day of EHS presented an opportunity for the two Managing Directors to meet. Mr Michiro Ito of Hanix and Mr Kevin Howells of Datatag discussed the current market and equipment security during a meeting on Thursday on the Hanix stand. Mr Howells commented, "I'm delighted that yet another leading supplier has adopted CESAR. In the past 7 years we have had a succession of leading manufacturers taking the positive step of adopting CESAR and as a consequence equipment theft has been drastically reduced in the UK. Our challenge now is to encourage now is to encourage the wider adoption of CESAR, a powerful deterrent against theft and an invaluable aid in recovery.".
CESAR is the world's most successful equipment security scheme protecting over 135,000 pieces of equipment. Powered by Datatag security technology CESAR is marking 7 years of success in 2014. The 'CESAR effect' has reduced overall equipment theft by 46% in the past 3 years, increased the rate of recovery of stolen equipment by a factor of 6, and helped reduce insurance premiums on equipment.
For more information go or
Date Created: 12/02/2014

CESAR, the world's leading equipment security scheme, has made a major step forward in its plans for international expansion with the announcement that CGT (COMPAGNIA GENERALE TRATTORI S.p.a.), the exclusive Caterpillar dealer in Italy, will fit CESAR to Cat machines sold in Italy from January 2014.
Equipment theft is a huge problem across Europe with organised criminals preying on the ill-prepared and the unwary. Insurance industry estimates put the total cost of equipment theft at over 7 billon Euro p.a.
Commenting on the announcement Datatag ID Limited Managing Director Kevin Howells said, "We're delighted that at the end of a long process CGT has adopted CESAR in Italy. To have 2 such prestigious brands as CGT and Cat using CESAR is a real coup. This announcement is the result of a real team effort that includes our Italian representatives Mechanical Line Solutions, the CEA and our own team."
Since its launch in 2007 a succession of leading manufacturers, including John Deere, Massey Fergusson, JCB, Merlo and Manitou, have adopted CESAR. Finning, the UK's Cat dealer, announced the fitment of CESAR to Cat machines in February 2010. Commenting at the time UK Sales Support Manager Tim Ballard said: "Finning has recognised that deterring plant theft is an important consideration for the industry as a whole and therefore we have acted on recent advice from a number of sources to implement this step."
CESAR is acknowledged, by the police, to have had a significant impact on equipment theft and recovery in the UK. Not only has CESAR reduced the rate of theft it has also increased the rate of recovery. According to Metropolitan Police statistics CESAR registered machines are 4 times less likely to be stolen and 6 times more likely to be recovered than unregistered machines. Less than 1% of CESAR registered machines have been stolen and nearly 30% have been recovered, compared to less than 5% before CESAR was introduced. CESAR has also helped the police and other official bodies reduce the overall rate of equipment theft in the UK, which is reported by the police to be 47% down in 2013 compared to 2010. The adoption of CESAR by CGT is a very positive step to reduce equipment theft in Italy.
The agreement between CESAR and CGT was negotiated by Datatag's representatives in Italy, Milan based Mechanical Line Solutions. The announcement is the result of long campaign mounted by Datatag to expand the use of CESAR outside the UK. Datatag has exhibited at Bauma in Munich and Intermat in Paris as a part the CEA's 'British Pavillion' in the past and will be in Las Vegas for Conexpo 2014 as part of an on-going drive.
This news comes hot on the heels of the announcement of a new CESAR construction and agricultural provenance check service. The new service is simple and quick and provides an instant on-screen report about a machine's potential 'hidden history' helping users of the service avoid buying stolen or cloned machines or one under one or more finance agreements.
Date Created: 27/01/2014